First Aid Oxygen As If Body Less Up Mount

Situated at an altitude with less oxygen can lead to hypoxic conditions, ie when the body lacks oxygen supply. The mountain climber must recognize the signs, as well as how to cope if you have the condition, namely blurred vision, breathing more rapidly or wheezing, as well as the body becomes limp.

Apart from the physical symptoms, hypoxic conditions can also be identified from changes in behavior. Under conditions of hypoxia, the brain will also be deprived of oxygen so that the mindset of a climber turned into a mess and hard to make the right decision. First aid when faced with this condition include:

- Provide oxygen. Small oxygen cylinders that can be carried anywhere very easily obtained in pharmacies at affordable prices, so there is no harm in climbers equipped with this tool.

- Loosen the clothing so that breathing becomes more fluent. Open collar and detachable belt so that the airway is not crowded.

- Bring to a lower location as soon as possible in order to get more oxygen from the air breathing. The longer is in hypoxic conditions, the greater the risk of organ damage because it does not get oxygen supply.

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Ditulis oleh: Zaenal Abidin - Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

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