Bitten by a Snake First Aid At Venomous

When bitten by a snake, which first have to do is to ascertain the type of snake. If no trace of fangs, then certainly that is a poisonous snake that bites its victims should receive immediate first aid.

In addition there are ex- fang, another characteristic of venomous snake bites is the emergence of pain accompanied by color changes in the bite site within moments after being bitten. Within 10-15 minutes, the other accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, anxiety and sometimes shortness of breath.

First aid for snakebite victims who show symptoms are:

- Do not panic. Not all snake bites can contain harmful, even though the bite is venomous snake species.

- Reduce the motion. Any unnecessary movement will only cause the venom to spread more widely through the bloodstream. Try to remain silent, as far as possible use means of transport and do not walk to reach locations that provide first aid.

- Wash the bite marks. If any, use soap and boiled water to clean the wound as soon as possible.

- Wash the eyes if contact with spray can. Several species of cobras that live in Asia and Africa, capable of spraying can kill without having to bite the victim. If these bursts of eye or other thin mucous layer, wash immediately with clean water.

- Tie it tightly around the wound area. Strong ties around the bite can prevent the spread of the poison to get further help. But for the snake bites the poison or venom Derik is very strong, the risk of tissue damage at the bite site will only increase if tied.

- Bring to a doctor as soon as possible. Anti-snake venom serum can be obtained at the health center or doctor's practice. If in the course of the victim vomits, place it in a sitting or lying down to ensure that vomit does not block the airway.

- Do not inject its own antidote. Injection of antitoxin is needed immediately, but sebagiknya still carried out by a doctor or a skilled health worker. The presence of impurities in the syringe at times even be dangerous for patients.

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Ditulis oleh: Zaenal Abidin - Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

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