Want to Slim Without Having to Diet? Follow These Steps

A lot of people want to lose weight but are lazy to follow the diet program that regularly tortured. You only need to change strategies in your daily life in order to get a slim body without much effort on a diet.

Here are 5 weight loss strategy that you can do without having to diet, as reported by foxnews on Friday (03.08.12) include:

A. Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is a wrong step to lose weight bdan. Breakfast is very important to prevent the conditions that are too hungry during the day so you do not have lunch with excessive portions.

Various studies have also shown that breakfast is the right way to lose weight or maintain weight in order to stay slim.

2. Eat foods that are low in calories first

When a lot of food presented on your plate, start eating low-calorie foods first, such as broccoli, carrots, apples and bananas. When you get to the other high- calorie foods, you will not be so hungry.

This method can reduce the total intake of excessive calories and still remain energized to lead the activity.

3. Start with soup

Begin lunch or dinner with a bowl of broth soup containing vegetables before eating your main meal. It can block the stomach and make you not tempted to eat high-calorie foods to excess.

4. Divide your lunch into two parts

Sometimes a person will feel hungry when it entered the evening before dinner. Eating high-calorie foods at these hours can make weight increased dramatically.

The proper way to handle dalah by cutting your lunch into two parts. The first part is eaten at lunch and the other half is eaten later in the afternoon.

5. Avoid eating foods that contain mayonnaise

Healthy foods such as salad can make you gain weight without realizing it. Mayonnaise in the salad high in calories, with a spoon alone contains 100 calories. If you want to enjoy a healthy salad, use olive oil as topingnya to replace mayonnaise.

Anda baru saja membaca artikel yang berkategori Health dengan judul Want to Slim Without Having to Diet? Follow These Steps. Anda bisa bookmark halaman ini dengan URL https://zanabiku.blogspot.com/2012/08/want-to-slim-without-having-to-diet.html. Terima kasih!
Ditulis oleh: Zaenal Abidin - Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

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