Still Much Work to Have No Designated Breastfeeding

Recognizing the importance of breastfeeding for infant growth and development, the government has enacted Regulation no. 32 of 2012 on Exclusive Breastfeeding. This rule guarantees the right of working mothers to continue breastfeeding their babies for 6 months. But the findings in the field show that its application could be arguably still far from realization.

In Indonesia, long maternity leave is determined based on applicable regulations is three months. Though the baby is still guaranteed their rights by the state to exclusively breastfed for 6 months. Therefore, the work required to have special facilities for breastfeeding and breast milk or milking.

"Although maternity leave is only 3 months in Indonesia, but the state said that working mothers can continue to give milk to their children to express and breastfeed during work hours," said Mia Sutanto, chairman of the Association of Breastfeeding Indonesia (AIMI) in media discussions on the Protection of Rights Breastfeeding for Working Women in Bloeming Bar & Restaurant, FX Plaza Jakarta, Friday (03/08/2012).

Mia statement refers to the PP no. 32 of 2012 on exclusive breastfeeding article 30 paragraph 3 stating that the board shall prepare the work of special facilities for breastfeeding and / or breast milking according to the ability of the company. Article 34 also states that the board work is required to provide an opportunity for employees to express milk at work during work time.

Unfortunately, Mia highlights are many workplaces that do not have special facilities for nursing mothers. Monitoring results AIMI with Save the Children in Aceh, West Java and NTT find that there are still many companies that do not have a special room nursing.

Of the 37 government offices under study, there were only 4 offices, or 10.81% that has a special room nursing facilities. In private offices are also not much different percentage, which is only 11.11% or 2 office only from 18 offices studied.

There are some offices that are set up room that could be used for feeding, but not a special room for nursing mothers. A total of 8 of 37, or approximately 21.62% of government offices that have investigated the room. In private offices, the percentage is only 16.67% or 3 of the 18 offices surveyed.

Because do not have a special room to breastfeed, these mothers often have to occupy warehouses, archives room, prayer room, toilets, changing rooms and even the security guard just to breastfeed their babies. Of course the room was far from comfortable and have privacy. In these rooms, feeding the baby should be carried out quickly for fear that there are people who are waiting in line or may be a sudden there are people who enter.

"Creating a special room nursing is not a difficult thing. If we look at a few shops there that provides a room with limited bulkhead or special netting that pregnant employees can breastfeed in comfort," said Mia.

Mia rate, the absence of legal sanctions to make the application of PP on exclusive breastfeeding is not running optimally. Currently, the Ministry of Health was brewing Permenkes draft ordinance regarding the provision of specialized nursing facility.

Existing regulations actually contains penalties for violations of the right breast, but is still considered to be less clear. Law no. 36 of 2009 on Health states that people who deliberately blocking the program of exclusive breastfeeding may be punishable by imprisonment of one year or a maximum fine of Rp 100 million.

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Ditulis oleh: Zaenal Abidin - Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

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